Liqui is a Ukrainian cryptocurrency exchange that also features savings accounts and intends to offer margin trading and lending in the future. Like most similar venues, trading at Liqui is done via a single account type and there are almost than 200 digital coins available. Besides, Liqui, keeps adding new ones.
As regards liqui exchange savings accounts, they have 24% annual percent rate (APR), which seems unrealistically high to us. Allegedly, interest is paid every 24 hours, and interest fees are calculated every minute.
Launched in 2016, Liqui operates out of Kiev, Ukraine and is not regulated. This, of course, may bring a bit of worry, but the majority of the companies in the crypto-world are neither licensed, nor overseen by any authority. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that Bitcoin is a relative newcomer in the world of finance, but on the other, digital coins and related services are recently attracting billions of dollars. Therefore, authorities across the globe seek ways to regulate ICOs, crrypto-exhanges and the like.
Recently, there has been a new law proposed in Ukraine that would bring the local cryptocurrency ecosystem under the oversight of the country’s central bank. Yet, currently crypto-exchanges in the country are not under the oversight of any government agency.